Kia ora koutou,

We are now all in Alert Level 4 which means that our school will not be open onsite tomorrow, for any students. This follows someone being identified with COVID-19 and who has been in the Auckland and Coromandel communities while believed to be infectious.

It is really important we do everything we can to keep our community safe. Alert Level 4 means we need to stay home in our bubbles and avoid traveling as much as possible. Supermarkets, pharmacies, foodbanks, and other essential services will be open – but remember to wear a face-covering if you are out and about (even a scarf wrapped around your mouth and nose will help). Sign in using the NZ COVID Tracer App wherever you go and please also keep a distance from people you don’t know and wash your hands well and often, especially before and after using any public facilities.

With such short notice, we weren’t able to hand out devices or hard packs to students in order to support distance learning. Your teacher will be in touch tomorrow with some information to support learning from home. You can also visit our school website and click on Parent information and then click onto the Distance Learning tab, there you will find some work for your child.

Please go to the Ministry of Health website if you live in Auckland or the Coromandel region, or have recently visited there. There is a list of locations the confirmed case has visited while they were considered to be infectious. If you were at one of those locations and at the same time as specified on the website, then please follow the relevant instructions to isolate and potentially get tested. Please keep checking that webpage as new locations may be identified over time.

Our focus as always will be to support the learning, safety, and wellbeing of our rangatahi and tamariki and we continue to be here to support you as well.

Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s kaiako or me, if there is something you need assistance with.

Ngā mihi

Vaitimu Togi Lemanu
Acting Principal


Te Ohiti Taumata 4

Tena koutou katoa.

Kei roto tātou i Te Ohiti Taumata 4. Heoi ano, kaore e tuwhera ngā kuaha o te kura apopo mo ngā akona katoa. E whaiwhai ake nei i te tautohu ana o tētahi me te mate korona. Kua kitea i roto i ngā hapori o Tamaki makaurau, o te hapori o Kapanga hoki. He tino hopuhopu a ia.

Me kaha ake tātou kia noho haumaru i o tātou hapori. Ko te tikanga o Te Ohiti Taumata 4 ko te: Noho ki te kainga, Noho ki roto i o tātou mirumiru, Kaua e haere ki hea ra. Ahakoa kei te tūwhera ngā toa maha hoko kai, ngā wāhi tiki kai, ngā toa tiki rongoa, me maumaharahara ki te whakamau i ngā arai tiaki mata mēna kei te puta koe ki waho i tou kainga. Ka taea e koe ki te mau kameta hei kawe i tou ihu, waha hoki. Me whakamahia i te kimi pāpātanga o te mate korona o Aotearoa i te wā kei runga koe i ngā huarahi. Me tu tawhiti, me noho tawhiti hoki i tētahi atu tangata. Horoi ou ringaringa i ngā wā katoa, te mea ai kei te haere koe ki ngā wharepaku o te hapori hoki.

Na te wā poto, kaore mātou e taea ki te tuku i ngā taputapu matihiko, ngā mahi ako ki ngā akona kia tautoko i te ako tawhiti. Ka whakapā atu tou kaiako me ētahi korero hei tautoko i te ako mai i te kainga. Ka taea e koe ki te titiro i te paetukutuku o te kura i a
Me whiriwhiri i a Parent Information. Ka whiriwhiri i a Distance Learning. Ka kitea ētahi mahi i reira i raro i te roopu o te kura, te whanau roopu hoki.

Me haere ki te paetukutuku o Te Manatū Hauora mēna kei roto koe i ngā hapori o Tamaki makaurau, o te Kapanga, kua tae koe ki reira rānei. Kei roto i te list of locations ngā wāhi i haere ngā tangata e tūtohu ana i te mate korona. Koinei ngā tangata e whakaaro ana i te hopuhopu i te mate korona. Mēna ko koe tētahi i ngā wāhi nei, i tēra wā tonu me noho taratahi koe. Ka haere kia tēhi koe. Me mātakitaki tonu koe i te paetukutuku nei mo ētahi wāhi hou kua tautohutia.

Ko to tātou arotahi kia tautoko i te ako, kia noho haumaru tātou katoa, me te hauora o ngā rangatahi, ngā tamariki, tātou katoa hoki. Ka noho tonu tātou ki te manaaki i a koutou.

Kaua e whakaaroa ki te whakapā atu ki te kaiako o tou tamaiti, kia ahau hoki

Ngā mihi

Matua Vaitimu Togi Lemanu
Tūmuaki Whakakapi.