Thursday 27th November 2014

Running everywhere, looking for our tutors and drummers, stressing out,

panicking and getting worried, until we all got called to the kiwi-can room

to get ready because we were the next act.


“Slam” as I tragically shut the door behind me and slightly moved to the side

and quickly got into the Cook Island costume. When I finished with my lower body costume,

it was time to do our makeup, so we all went to the Diamond group so they can help us get ready.


Making my way down to the black stage with my heart racing nonstop,

I got even more nervous, as soon as I saw the crowd I pushed everyone and sprinted inside.

“Stomp, stomp, stomp” as we lined up for real this time and no playing around.

As we got in line we said a quick prayer to the lord to bless us,

bless the day and to thank the lord to protect us through out this day,

Then we all walk out in a line really anxious.


Cook Island Drumbeats playing for our entrance,

everyone screaming for us, heaps of clapping,

massive smiles from my family and loads of support

that made me feel so proud and confident.


Deep breaths in and deep breaths out as we made our way

onto the small black stage. Cook Island beats playing,

and we started off with the traditional calling

then the opening. Mouianga, Meleseini, Maryanne,

Mele and I where so shy that we stood real still,

we were so shy that we even forgot the first moves,

we practically just lost count.