Room 20 students had an interesting discussions about the differences between and night. They pointed out that day is caused by the sun and night by the moon. Lesson became more exciting when they watched a video titled “Why is there day and night?” They became much keener to find out the scientific explanation of the given question.

Students could explain that the movement of the earth around its axis causes day and night. But, that’s not all. They could draw a diagram showing these phenomenal changes. To make the lesson more understandable, they made a poster on “day and night” lesson.

Students had a fruitful time exploring the topic. IMG_0193 IMG_0192 IMG_0191 IMG_0190 IMG_0196 IMG_0195 IMG_0194 IMG_0200 IMG_0199 IMG_0198 IMG_0197 IMG_0218 IMG_0217 IMG_0216 IMG_0215 IMG_0223 IMG_0220