My dad has brown eyes and they are very wide.

Dad likes his hair to be long and curly and when we go to my Nana’s house she says,”Isi,go and cut your hair”. But my dad doesn’t listen.

Sometimes dad wears shorts and long sleeved t-shirts and sometimes he wears a “Tupenu” when he goes to church. My dad prays quietly like a priest.

Whenever I can’t find my dad, I know he’s always in the room sleeping or fixing computers or he is outside in the garden.

Every school night  he comes up to me holding a wire and some sort of machine and he asks me.”Have you seen another piece the same as the one I have.”  When I say, “No”,  he rolls his eyes and drops the wire.

When it is time to go to school, dad always wakes up early and drags me to the bathroom. He treats me like a soldier and I have to be fast but unfortunately I am always late.

Dad always there when I need him. He helps me to do my homework and solve difficult maths problems. When I go for sleepovers he says to me “Be good, don’t cause any trouble.” And I always say “I love you dad!”