On Thursday the 29th of May Mrs Lako and Mrs Pritchard took the year 8 school leaders  to the National Young Leaders Day (N.Y.L.D) that was held at the Vodafone Event Center. We went there to listen to people talk about how they achieved their dreams and how we can become better leaders! =)

One of my highlights was when the Laughing Samoans came out and they made us all laugh until we had stitches^.^ . My favourite quotes are: when you think that you have made the least progress you have actually made the most and leadership is creating success for your team.  Also one of my favourite speakers was Cam Calkoen because he told us to always be yourself and don’t change because other people tease or mock how you do something if you think its right then you have the right to do it! ^.^

And I think that one of my buzz kill moments was when we were taking our photo in the foyer, the photographer decided that he was going to take the photo when I wasn’t ready -_-. This is why I don’t like other people taking my photo !!
